As a community, we have been through an intense fall. Especially for those of you who have lost your homes and property, we send loving thoughts and support to you with this life changing event. All of us are pulling together as our community heals.
Also, the holiday season is here and offers us an opportunity to celebrate life, family, and friends. I often think that we have a choice of how to create a holiday time that supports us as individuals too – body, mind, and spirit.
As you consider gifts for others and your own wish list, there are numerous options for supporting better health and well-being that can be considered. If your family member has been interested but never participated, a gift card for yoga classes or Qi Gong could provide a valuable option. A cook book for healthy eating, or sharing your own healthy recipes can be a welcome gift.
Maybe it’s your time that you give with a walk & talk with a friend, or sharing a movie. Sometimes the simplest things, giving our time and energy, are the most meaningful gifts.
As you enjoy this season be sure to keep balance in your life – balance nutritional food/meals with small amounts of alcohol and sugary treats-if you go there! Balance exercise and sleep, balance time with others and time to nurture yourself. Venture to touch into the true meanings of this season for you beyond the traditions of family and society. And do something for others during this month – it makes you feel so much better as well as those you are serving!
Sometimes when we get busy and stretched for time, we can short change ourselves and that usually means our health and well-being suffer. I encourage you to not get off balance and keep yourself cared for. Remember to stay up with your hormones and supplements which will also be supporting you.
In November, I had the opportunity to attend a conference to up-date on hormones and other age-management strategies we can use to optimize our health. The multiple presentations of current research on new and even tried and true methods, continue to demonstrate the positive effects we can create on our health over our lifetime.
We can be proactive and preventative with our health so that the trends in society for disease development are not ours. The choice is ours as to how we want to live now and into the future!
In 2018 the practice will be offering some new services, tests, and supplements focused on creating optimal health and well-being. I am excited about offering these. (See the supplement write up in this issue as one example.) In January, I will give you further information about these new areas of health boosting treatments. I hope you will consider the benefits they offer and talk with me about how they can fit into your optimal health plan.
They will include:
Peptide therapy for auto-immune control, injury healing, disease prevention, boosting of human growth hormone, weight loss, & others
State of the art testing for assessing your risk for rupturing plaques – which translates into your risk for a heart attack, this has been recently introduced and is shown to be the best non-invasive predictor beyond even the newer cholesterol testing panels.
Supplements for improving gut function, healing leaky gut, reducing/removing effects of glyphosphates and other toxins on mucous membranes
Hormone Therapy options and up-dates
May your holidays be filled with meaningful times that facilitate within you peace, joy & love!
Jane Kennedy, CFNP, MN, MPH